Nutrition and Weight Management
How many times per year, per week, per day have you been preoccupied with your weight? Most people who struggle with weight commonly also complain of problems with their self-esteem, their discomfort with body image, feeling hopeless and out-of-control. Sometimes it seems to be an issue that is too far gone to even try to correct. If being overweight consumes your thoughts and detracts from living a full and active life, NOW IS THE TIME TO FINALLY GET RID OF THE EXCESS WEIGHT.
Just read one of the comments from one of our clients:
“I’ve tried every diet and fad to lose weight fast. My self-esteem was nonexistent because of how I felt in clothes, looked in the mirror, and my family doctor telling me constantly “I’m obese”. I pretty much gave up because I felt like I was too far gone or “I’m too busy” to try again……. So far, I lost 14 pounds in 30 days doing things the right way and didn’t have to take a bunch of pills every day or eat some prepackaged food. The results speak for themselves! Now I am confident I can get to my goal weight and keep it there.”
KS Mentor, Oh
Come and speak with a physician who knows how to match you to a program that will not only enable you to finally lose that weight, but also arms you with the understanding and capability to keep that weight off.
Our Programs, Assessments, and Therapies are tailored to fit your individual needs, Call for an appointment today.
Bodyweight is determined by the amount of energy obtained from food in relation to the amount of energy your body uses. Any excess energy is then taken and stored in the body as fat. With this basic formula in mind it may seem like losing weight is a simple case of eating less so your body stores less fat and gaining weight may seem as easy as increasing your food intake so the body is able to store more.
Each person has their own unique body type and metabolism, meaning that different people need different amounts and types of food and there is a vast array of additional factors which need to be considered:
When devising a plan, a nutritionist will take the implications of these factors into account, creating options that are obtainable and maintainable.
We Proceed With Care
Nutrition and Weight management
Maintaining a healthy weight should not be arduous or a chore. With the right help, support and advice, it can become second nature, easily slotting into everyday life, There are various weight management issues a nutritionist can help you to overcome, including the following:
Your nutritionist can help you set realistic weight loss goals. Most people should aim to lose about 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. Many people find medical nutrition therapy helpful for weight loss. Your dietitian will tell you how many calories to eat per day to lose weight steadily and safely.
Nutrition and Weight management lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different cancers.
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